Finneytown Humidifiers

Quality Dehumidifiers in Finneytown, OH

Homeowners looking for optimal comfort and air quality during the summer have one indoor air quality product they turn to more than any other in Ohio. Dehumidifiers are great Indoor Air Quality add ons. Thye reduce humidity levels, making the entire home less hospitable to allergens such as dust mites, mildew and mold. Using a dehumidifier helps reduce dust in your home, so you won’t have to clean as often. A dehumidifier also lowers energy costs because it helps your air conditioner run more efficiently. Finneytown Heating & Cooling offers a wide range of dehumidifiers and dehumidification systems that can be installed directly into a home’s existing HVAC unit to work with your central A/C for your Southwest Ohio area home. Sometimes you might not need to install a whole new humidifier. Because of this, our NATE-certified techs will measure your indoor relative humidity levels and also help identify anything that might be causing indoor air quality problems.

For homes that have too much humidity or moisture in the air, dehumidifiers are an Indoor Air Quality product we offer that extracts moisture from the air to reduce those levels.  Both whole house and portable dehumidifiers work by extracting the humid air over cold coils and forcing the humidity to condense into water droplets that accumulate in a basin attached to the device or system — or directed down a floor drain with a hose. Portable dehumidifiers must be emptied manually. However, most whole-home dehumidifiers have a pipe, drain, or hose connected to the unit for worry-free convenience.

Finneytown, Ohio Dehumidifiers

What is Indoor Air Quality?

A home’s air quality is something crucial that all-too-often gets neglected or overlooked in a lot of modern dwellings. While many people believe air pollution is primarily an outdoor phenomenon, studies indicate this is actually false. It turns out the air inside a lot of modern dwellings and workplaces is far more polluted than the air outside, even in bigger cities and metropolitan areas. Because the average American spends more than 21 hours a day inside on average, this whole area of residential air quality deserves serious attention. Because the air indoors often lacks proper filtration, indoor air quality is something customers need to be taking seriously. The EPA defines Indoor Air Quality as the quality of air inside a building or home and how it relates to the people inside the building or home. Typically, a homeowner’s Indoor Air Quality has a very real and sometimes profoundly negative effect on the occupants health in addition to everyone’s overall well-being, mood and energy levels.

Because the majority of Ohioans spend the majority of their time inside, residential air quality has far more of an impact on them than most people realize. If the quality of air in a residence is poor or the quality is insufficient, it tends to have negative impacts on everyone’s health in addition to it being bad for the home itself. Experts say air quality levels in a lot of modern homes can be anywhere from 2 to 5 times as polluted or toxic as the air outside, where Mother Nature has a wide range of ways it cleans and purifies the air, recycling it. When you realize how tightly insulated almost all modern homes and buildings are built, it’s clear why professionals urge homeowners to consider certain indoor air quality products and air-filtration solutions to be used in conjunction with their HVAC equipment.

Because buildings are sealed airtight, any indoor pollution gets trapped inside and recirculated in the absence of proper filtration and ventilation. Then, on top of that, there can also be issues with humidity, mold and mildew. More often than not, the use of an air filtration device or a dehumidifier or humidifier or air purifier goes a long way to improve air quality when used in conjunction with a heating or cooling system. Additionally, germicidal UV Lights and air filtration devices can benefit a homeowner or business owners in all sorts of ways.

Top 4 Benefits of Owning a Dehumidifier


Reduce Wear on A/C

When the air in your home is more humid, the air conditioner has to not only cool the air but also remove all the excess moisture, which means it has to work harder. This also causes the A/C to wear out sooner, which means you will need to repair it more often and possibly replace it sooner.


Save Money, Help A/C

Dehumidifiers lower energy costs to keep your home cool during the summer because the system helps your air conditioner run more efficiently. 


Better Indoor Air Quality

They improve your home’s air quality, making your home less prone to allergens such as dust mites and dander. They also inhibit the growth of mold, and mildew.


Reduce Bad Odors

Dehumidifiers help reduce odors in the home that can accompany mildew and mold — getting rid of that “musty” or “rotting” smell that’s pungent and can be offensive.

Why Are Dehumidifiers Important?

There are a host of reasons why some homes require this sort of equipment to lower humidity levels. When  too much moisture is in the indoor air you and your loved ones breathe, dehumidifiers become a necessity. Excessively high humidity levels can contribute to health and home safety issues, including:

  • Pests
  • The proliferation or allergens
  • Respiratory infections
  • The growth of dust mites, microbes, mildew and fungi
  • Warped flooring and window frames
  • Damage to furniture and other building materials

Relative humidity that’s too high can also contribute to the concentration of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, in the air in both newer and older homes. Elevated levels of relative humidity make carbon filters (which are used for filtering VOCs through the furnace or HEPA filter) less effective, while also enabling more off-gassing of VOCs. In any case, dehumidifiers lower the relative humidity in the home and reduce the family’s risk of VOC exposure.

When to Use a Dehumidifier

Overall, dehumidifiers are essential during warm, rainy weather and during the summertime. If your residence has a relative humidity reading of more than 50 percent, we advise having one installed or using an existing dehumidifier that’s functional. We can take a reading or multiple readings throughout your home, if necessary, to figure out the level of humidity. Most smart thermostats include sensors that can take this00000000 reading as well and keep track of your humidity.

Tips to Promote Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Utilize Ventilation

A lot of the airborne pollutants indoors arise in the kitchen and the bathroom and travel out into the home. Gas stoves can release harmful carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Even electric burners create some of those same pollutants at lower levels, as well as other micro particles that can be absorbed into your blood. So, when you’re cooking or using the bathroom, be sure to turn on vents, or open a window to help filter out the air even more. 

Take Full Advantage of Your Air Filters

Air filters should be used to the fullest advantage in a home, if not upgraded.

If you know what an air filter does, this one should be an obvious method to keep IAQ healthy. Replacing furnace filters, heat pump filters and ac filters regularly is essential for not only indoor air quality, but also to get the most out of your comfort system. Furnace filters need to be checked monthly during the winter. Air conditioning filters should be checked monthly throughout the summer as well. The same goes for heat pump air filters. Nevertheless, keep in mind, if you upgrade to a HEPA filter or media air cleaner, it will out the air and improve air quality.

Sustain Healthy Humidity

Humidity can be a friend or foe in a home, depending on your levels and the time of year. The relative humidity in a home should be between 30 and 50 percent. With Ohio weather going from one extreme to another throughout the course of a year, keeping an eye on these levels is important and will help in optimizing indoor air quality.