Finneytown Furnace Repair Services

Expert Furnace Repair Services in Finneytown, OH

If you’ve lost heat or have problems with a heating system in Greater Cincinnati or Greater Dayton, don’t delay calling Finneytown Heating & Cooling right away! At Finneytown Heating & Cooling we offer expert furnace repair services in a timely manner with competitive pricing and customer satisfaction guaranteed. As a member of the Five Star Family, we have working in area homes for half of a century. We serve all of the Greater Cincinnati area, as well as parts of Northern Kentucky, with expert experience, tons of industry knowledge and HVAC industry connections, and competency ensuring your heating system repair job is taken care of the same day.

As the leading HVAC contractor in Finneytown, our furnace repair experts are always on-call to handle service calls on all the leading heating equipment systems and brands. As a leading furnace repair contractor, we will get your repairs done quickly and done right the first time, during our initial visit. 

If your heating system breaks down or stops working, call Finneytown Heating & Cooling! Our furnace experts are trained to quickly diagnose and take care of your emergency furnace repair.

Furnace Repair in Finneytown, Ohio

About Our Service Call Deal

When your furnace isn’t heating your home or building the way you need it to, you need to find a furnace repair expert near you who can help you find out what’s causing the problem and offer solutions to get it running properly. To quickly determine what’s wrong with your furnace in an affordable way, we encourage you to call us at Finneytown Heating & Cooling to schedule furnace diagnostic services. Finneytown Heating & Cooling offers expert furnace service calls at low prices with no obligation to pay to have repairs made. Using the latest technology and diagnostic equipment in the HVAC industry, our NATE-certified furnace experts inspect your heating system from top to bottom in order to pinpoint the precise source of the problem. Once our HVAC expert correctly identifies the cause of the problem and any related issues, he or she will explain all your repair options for resolving the issue in a way that’s both long-term and affordable.

When you hire Finneytown Heating & Cooling for expert furnace diagnostics, there’s never any obligation to have our team perform the actual furnace repairs. There are never any sales pressure or hidden fees and we don’t believe in selling you something you don’t absolutely need. 

Top 4 Signs That Your Furnace Needs Repaired


Temperature levels are hard to manage

If you struggle to manage the temperature levels in your home or building and it seems like you are always having to adjust your thermostat to get the right amount of heat, it might not be the thermostat causing the problem. It might be your HVAC system. Your furnace might be struggling to distribute heat throughout your home or building the way you need it to. The best way to figure out why your furnace isn’t working properly is to call a professional like Finneytown Heating & Cooling so we will look into the problem, check your furnace, and inspect all the various components to find the problem.


It’s an older furnace

Heating systems are usually useful for about 18 years on average. Nevertheless, when an HVAC unit gets to about 15 years of age, it’s bound to require more repairs in the same way an older vehicle with a lot of miles typically needs more mechanical work done. Having repairs performed by an HVAC expert like Finneytown Heating & Cooling is essential, keep in mind, because it makes the system run better and last longer. In the end, consistent maintenance pays for itself with lower heating costs and optimal comfort.


Your heating bills are on the rise

When an HVAC unit’s heating efficiency declines, it’s usually a sign the furnace needs maintenance. If it’s a newer heater, it might need repair services. If the heating unit is older (15 years or more) you should begin considering furnace replacement. Often, furnace inefficiencies are caused by wear and tear on internal parts. If your heating bills are on the rise, we recommend giving Finneytown Heatig & Cooling a call before it gets worse. We can offer expert, long-term furnace efficiency solutions you can afford to curb home heating costs and keep your equipment in optimal condition. In short, you can’t afford not to!


Strange noises or a yellow colored pilot light

If you have a gas furnace and the pilot light is yellow, you need to call us right away. This is a dangerous sign, a safety hazard. Aside from that, if your home heating system has new sounds coming from it or any loud noises (such as popping, rattling, banging, or squealing), this is also a warning sign and a major red flag. As far as the flame on the pilot goes, pilot lights should always be blue on gas furnaces. A yellow flame is a dangerous sign. You need to call us right away if your pilot light isn’t blue and the same is true if your furnace is making unusual noises.

24-Hour Emergency Furnace Services in Finneytown, OH and Greater Cincinnati

Ohio’s winter weather is cold. When you lose your source of heat, your heating emergency becomes our heating emergency and we send someone over quickly. Fast and affordable emergency heating system repair services are always a simple phone call away when you choose Finneytown Heating & Cooling. We can fix any and all residential furnace problems (we repair all types of furnaces, all makes, ages and models) in a single visit. In fact, emergency furnace repairs are one of our specialties. With customer satisfaction as our highest priority, you can’t go wrong calling Finneytown Heating & Cooling for all your heating needs. When you call us with a furnace problem, our emergency furnace repair experts send an expert to your home without any sort of delay, that same day. Without it costing you an arm and a leg, they show up fast and fix your furnace on the spot. Finneytown Heating & Cooling understands that a furnace breakdown is more than a hassle. With Ohio’s cold weather, furnace problems are potential safety hazards.

Even if your heating system is still running, if your heater is underperforming or older than 15 years, you should call a professional to have it looked at, especially if it’s an older gas furnace. Gas furnace problems can be especially dangerous. Don’t risk letting a heating system problem go unaddressed another winter day. 

General Furnace Repair FAQ

Why is my heating unit blowing cold air?

If your heating system is blowing cool air, we first suggest checking the HVAC system’s fan settings. The system’s fan setting needs to be on “auto” instead of “on.” If this doesn’t take care of the issue, check your furnace’s air filter to make sure it’s not clogged or needing to be replaced. After this, if you’re still having an issue the next thing to check is your pilot light. Beyond these recommendations, if you still aren’t getting the warm air you need from your heating equipment, call Finneytown Heating & Cooling and we can send an expert to help you get to the bottom of your problem with low-cost furnace diagnostics.

Why is my heating system running nonstop?

If your heating system or furnace unit is running nonstop, the issue might be caused by the HVAC unit’s fan setting. Make sure your furnace fan is set to “auto” and that it hasn’t been moved to the “on” setting. When an HVAC unit’s fan is fixed to the “on” setting, it runs nonstop even when it’s not creating heat. After this, we recommend checking the system’s fan limit switch, which requires manual override. If this doesn’t fix the issue and there’s still nonstop operation, give Finneytown Heating & Cooling a call. We’re happy to send a furnace expert over right away to help.

Why does my furnace shutting off?

The most common reason a heating system turns on and off constantly is caused by a dirty air filter. This is also known as short cycling. If the filter is dirty, it’s an easy fix you can perform quickly on your own for a few dollars. If it’s not what’s causing the problem, you need to check your unit’s thermostat to make sure nothing is affecting the temperature reading. Things like sunlight, a nearby heat register, a heating appliance or a fire can mess with your thermostat’s reading to where it’s not properly detecting the temperatures in the home. The worst-case scenario for short cycling is poor installation. When a furnace isn’t sized properly, it tends to short-cycle. Call us if this doesn’t answer your question.